Here are three images from upcoming films that I believe warrant a closer look. First--and possibly the most exciting--is this hi-resolution look at Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle in
The Dark Knight Rises. I like the practical look of Hathaway's costume. Unlike
some versions of Catwoman

, it doesn't look ridiculous. I'm also glad to see the return of the Batpod, and I wonder if Bruce Wayne will be sharing the technology or whether Catwoman will be "borrowing" it from Wayne Enterprises.

The next image came out a few weeks ago and would have been a lot more exciting if most of the parts hadn't already been revealed. Still, here in all their bearded glory are the thirteen dwarves from
The Hobbit. The only new thing in this image is the full look at Thorin, but this is still pretty much the definition of awesomeness.
Finally, Warner Bros. beat the spy photographers and released the first look at Henry Cavill as the new Superman in Zack Synder's
Man of Steel. Kudos for something more interesting that the generic posed shot of the costume. Of course, all anybody really wants to know is whether he'll be sporting the infamous red shorts, and those are carefully concealed in the shadows. In other
Man of Steel news, the release date has been pushed back to June 2013 (from December 2012). Let's hope they use that time to work out their script troubles, since the last I heard, they still hadn't worked out the second act.
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