Thursday, January 5, 2012

Waiting at the starting gate

I'm currently delaying any recap of the 2011 film slate until I can see Steven Spielberg's War Horse. Meanwhile, I've seen Tintin, Darkest Hour, and Sherlock Holmes. They're on the list, which is almost complete. Meanwhile, here's a couple pieces of news, and this picture of Thor and Captain America from The Avengers.
Thor 2 gets another director

After Patty Jenkin's left the project, Marvel returned to their original choice, Someone From Game of Thrones. Alan Taylor has been hired to take over the project, which should put it back on track for its November 2013 release date.

Benedict Cumberbatch joins Star Trek

Known from the TV show Sherlock as the titular detective, appropriately British named British actor Benedict Cumberbatch has been cast in J.J. Abrams' Star Trek sequel, in a role that is reportedly the villain. Noel Clarke has also been cast, so expect even more announcements in the next few days.

Big names join Ender's Game

And even more casting news. Harrison Ford and Abigail Breslin have joined the cast of Ender's Game. Breslin will play Ender’s sister Valentine, while Ford will play the commander of the battle school. A bunch of kids have also been cast, though no news on Bean yet. Stay tuned.

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