Now, on to the book itself. This is more or less an origin story, as least when it comes to Carol choose her new name. There's are few great moments of interaction with the other Avengers: Steve Rogers daring her to take the title of "Captain Marvel," and Spider-man refusing to comment on the new hairstyle. However, there isn't a lot of forward plot development, though the final line hints at time travel in upcoming issues.

There's just one drawback, and that's the art, particularly this page, released as part of the preview. Dexter Soy has the duties here, and this particular panel of Captain America is by far the worst. Other sections aren't nearly as noticeable, in most of the pages, the characters look downright human. I can forgive that for now. It's only a couple of panels at this point, and right now it's the only drawback I have with this series.
Ultimately, Captain Marvel has the potential to become Marvel's version of Wonder Woman, but even if she never flies near that night, I still look forward to future issues. If you like comics, and you want to read a strong female hero, you should pick up a copy.
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